Frederick Fuge

Frederick died from an injury in the Long Tunnel Extended mine in Walhalla in 1897. He lays buried in the Traralgon Old Bluff Cemetery site NSM-C041

His headstone lays flat on the ground preserved.

Many graves are in similar disrepair due to the families no longer being in intimate contact with their dead and families move on. The cemetery is hoping the Government will allow the restoration of such important monuments to our history.

The Traralgon Record 26th October in 1897 reads:


We regret to chronicle the death of Mr. F. Fuge, a resident of Tyers, which occurred on Saturday morning. He was engaged as a miner in the Long Tunnel Extended (at Walhalla), and was very anxious to get off the shift, as he wanted to get home, but could not get anyone to take his place. Fuge, with his mate, was engaged working in the slopes at the 1700 feet level, when a large block of stone came away, striking him on the back of the head and killing him instantaneously. His remains were conveyed to his residence on Sunday evening, and were interred in the Bluff Cemetery yesterday afternoon. Deceased leaves a wife, two daughters and a son to mourn his loss. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. James. Thompson.”

Note: James Thompson was from the Government, he was responsible for burying many people in “free” graves when the families were unable to pay interment fees.

Note: the family was recorded as the licensees of Sporting Arms Hotel between 1884 and 1903 being Frederick Fuge and Caroline Fuge.

Large headstone lying on the ground.